Korean Civil Societies Statement on 2nd Round of Korea-US FTA Talks

- What the Korean government should take away from the crippled talks of 2nd round is not to withdraw certain negotiating teams but to stop the negotiation itself -

admin – 금, 2006 – 07 – 14 15:26

NGO's Joint Statement Against KORUS FTA

We say NO to FTA, which threatens people's health right

People's health is under threat.
Neo-liberal globalization is the keyword explaining the current global political and economic system. Its policies and orders, implemented through multinational as well as bilateral or regional trade agreements, deterioratepublic interest and deprive the people of their rights to access to public service in the name of Free trade. FTA aims to promote privatization and commercialization of essential services such as health care, education, culture, electricity, water, and every aspects of life. As a result, it restricts access to medicine and threatens food security and safe environment.
admin – 목, 2006 – 06 – 22 14:41

[한국&국제NGO 공동성명] 전세계 민중 건강권의 장애물이 되는 한미FTA 반대한다

한미FTA반대! 국제NGO공동성명

발 신 : 이하 연명단체
수 신 : 각 언론사 사회부, 보건의료 및 지적재산권 담당기자
제 목 : [한국&국제NGO 공동성명] 전세계 민중 건강권의 장애물이 되는 한미FTA 반대한다
admin – 목, 2006 – 06 – 22 14:34

미 다국적 제약회사의 독점이익만을 보장하는 한미FTA 반대 - 거리선전물

거리 선전용 홍보물 입니다. 첨부화일을 확인해 주세요.

admin – 화, 2006 – 06 – 20 14:22

한미FTA저지 지재권 분야 대책위, 외교통상부에 의견서 제출

한미FTA저지 지적재산권 분야 대책위원회
주소 : 서울시 용산구 청파동1가 1-13 정봉원빌딩 5층
전화 : 02-717-9551
admin – 수, 2006 – 06 – 14 20:02