[보도자료] 릴레이 칼럼 제1탄 : 한EU FTA 지적재산권 협상 개요

한미 FTA 합의 사항에 대한 면밀한 검토조차 없이 정부는 한EU FTA 협상이라는 또다른 주권 포기 각서를 쓰고 있습니다. 특히 한EU FTA 지적재산권 협상에서 EU는 우리에게 한미FTA협상과는 또 다른 생소한 제도 도입을 요구하고 있습니다.
admin – 월, 2007 – 10 – 08 12:44

[보도자료] 한미FTA 합의사항 이행 위한 지적재산권 관련 법률 개정 규탄한다

*한미FTA저지 지적재산권대책위원회 : 정보공유연대 IPLeft, 진보네트워크센터, 문화연대, 함께하는시민행동, HIV/AIDS인권모임나누리+

수 신 : 각 언론사 정치부, 문화부, 사회부, 사진부 기자
admin – 월, 2007 – 10 – 08 12:42

Stop KORUS FTA ! Poisonous articles on Intellectual Property chapter

Stop KORUS FTA ! Poisonous articles on Intellectual Property chapter

1. Shutting down Internet sites that permit the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission of copyright works, is it declaring surrender to the pressure from the

2. Strengthening enforcement on Intellectual Property Rights, are they trying to damage the order of constitution and make the government and the judicial division slaves of the right-holders?

3. The
FTA Intellectual Property chapter failed to reflect the principle of the intellectual property being the balance between right-holders and users and failed to establish an independent and democratic intellectual property policy.

After the full text of the Korea-US FTA became public, unreleased poisonous articles are getting revealed. We find that they include many articles that the government did not open to public right after the agreement was made even in relation to the intellectual property chapter. It is hard to believe that the intellectual property agreement process was to accept requests from the
U.S. unilaterally and the side letter even includes several obligations only for South Korea
. It is nothing but a surrender declaration to pressure from the U.S.

Also the agreement includes that not only strengthening higher level of legal protection than international standards and other FTA the U.S. made with other countries already but also allowing excessive executive and legal measures to be used to protect the right. Furthermore, Korea-US FTA allows overruling rights against Korean constitutions and legal policies.

Although the principle of Intellectual Property regime is the balance between the protection of rights and the use hence the government and the judicial division should try to establish this balance as public sectors, this agreement makes them as slaves for the right-holder and multi-national entertainment company as well. Are the right-holders really untouchable beings whom even the public sectors have to serve? It is inappropriate to utilize the administrative power and tax in biased way for the benefit of one party even when the disputes over intellectual property are basically disputes between private sectors and there are administrative and legal procedures to protect rights in place already. However, the agreement does not give any considerations over protections or rights of the users, that is to say, “fair use” which are being threatened.

 The poisonous articles revealed after the text of agreement became public are below.

Shutting down internet sites

admin – 월, 2007 – 07 – 30 11:37

[공동성명] “한미FTA 청문회를 고의적으로 무산시킨 문화관광부와 방송위원회를 강력 규탄한다

“한미FTA 청문회를 고의적으로 무산시킨 문화관광부와 방송위원회를 강력 규탄한다”
- 국회 문화관광위원회 한미FTA 청문회 연기에 대한 공동성명서

admin – 화, 2007 – 06 – 19 12:55